Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Drawing Shan Shui 山水画的基本工

We learned the fundamental spontaneous technique to draw scenery (山水), an essential part of Chinese brush painting. However, it was made known to us that many artists choose to master either drawing scenery or life (flowers, insect, birds and fishes) - 写生。

Here is my first painting of a scenery depicting a maple tree perching on a cliff with mountain terrains as back drop. A fisherman rolling the boat along the river brings a tranquil mood.



I actually tried to incorporate both technique in my new attempt and this is what came out. Combining the 3 types of flowers that blossom in Spring, with the mountain terrain as back drop, I hope to bring a dash of fresh spring energies (春意)。This picture reflects the perfect harmony of nature, although all flowers are at the perfect bloom, this is a reflection of co-existence in nature.


Flowers in nature are not concern if they are prettier than other, they merely live through a bloom, and to nurture the next generation. They may not have a mind of their own, but they own birth right is to be able to reflect their best bloom in their time, no conflicts, no higher expectation, no desire. 

However, as human being we will always succumb to desire, temptation and fall into anxiety, this prevented us to present our natural beautiful self. 

As the Heart Sutra highlighted:

"In emptiness, there is no form;
No sensation, no thoughts, no impulse, no consciousness;
No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind...."

So if the mind is free from (self inflicted) hindrance and obstruction, there will be no fear and therefore no need to succumb to desires and temptations. A very profound advise!





Friday, September 27, 2013

The humbling experience in Chinese Painting

I realised that this journey of learning how to paint has been very humbling.

For a long time, there isn't many people will dare to tell that I have done something incorrect.

While I am enjoying the learning process of painting, largely because I was able to regain my new interest to pursue painting. Just recently, a long time friend ( a class mate in my secondary school) also complimented that my paintings are nice and have a tint of western (water colour) style. Also there are friends who paid for my paintings as I told many of them that they can sponsor my community outreach project in Laos by buying my paintings! Many of my friends also commented and liked my postings of my paintings over Facebook.

These actually for once took me to 'Cloud Nine'!
I thought that my drawings have reached a certain 'standard' and started to dream that I can succeed and become an accomplished artist soon!

When I showed my teacher Mr Lin Luzai the painting of my Heavenly Bliss in our last lesson, although he did said the colour was right, but there were flaws. He patiently shared his experiences co-relating to what nature actually is in contrast to my paintings. Although the technique is known as 'spontaneous' form of Chinese brush painting, the perspective and 'logic' of the contend must not deviate from what is being offer in nature.

A revelation that we have not been observant to our mother nature, and that I am too self-centred (that I am already there) brings me back to this world!








This is life! 
When someone didn't dispute your thoughts, it does not mean you are right. For many of us who are in a supervisory role, your subordinates may not dare to dispute your viewpoints, but that does not make you 100% right.

In analogy to my painting experiences, my friends are surprise that I can take up painting and starting to make sense of the colours and mustering of the brushes and the rice paper. Their encouragement are in the form of liking my posting of Facebook and blogs, most of them will view it in one dimension, from someone who once have no clue of using a paint brush to someone who can 'abstractly' paint a complete picture!

For me, this is a lesson learnt that irregardless of how great one can be, there will be someone greater, no matter how good you are, there will always be someone better than you. There is no need to feel that you are at Cloud Nine, as there are always new lessons to learn from someone.




Thursday, September 26, 2013

Heavenly Bliss 富贵神仙图

I have always love to paint Narcissus. It never fail to bring a smile in my face whenever I finish a painting of the flower, which blossom in Spring. It means whenever I see an nice picture of it, I will relate to the happy mood of Chinese New Year. Peony is also a flower that blossom during late winter and Spring and often seen as a flower that bloom during Spring, and appears in many New Year greeting as it relate to prosperity (富贵).

Very often in Chinese brush painting, combining both of these flowers together, it depicts heavenly bliss. A blissful mood when the fairies dancing within a peony garden. If you do a search on the website, you will find many opainting under '富贵神仙图'.

I tried to create the heavenly feeling by painting the following:






有书真富贵 无事小神仙

I do hope that when you do visit this page, you can also feel the vibrant mood in this painting. In contrast, here is one that I painted some time back when I first started, and incidentally the one above is twice the size of my one below (720 x 460 mm)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

An expression of Mid Autumn 中秋的感想

Mid Autumn festival had just passed by, and incidentally we had painting lesson on that festive day. Teacher Lin Luzai mentioned that chrysanthemum flowers actually blossom during mid autumn in sub-tropical countries such as China. It is therefore a flower representing autumn season.

Having a cup of tea in hand, looking up at the full moon during mid autumn, it is a season of reunion of families. The fragrance of the blossoming flower enhance the happy mood of mid autumn.



From these 2 paintings, I think I will need to practise my hand writing with brushes in order to compliment my painting.

Having the mood to paint chrysanthemum, I painted another painting 2 nights ago, this time I attempted to combine 2 beautiful flowers typically grown in the wild. I am happy that some of my friends gave me some thumbs up for the following painting.


前两晚有心情画菊花时,我试图描绘另一幅作品,当时,我试图结合两种美丽的花朵,通常生长在野外的菊花和野菊花, 完成了以下的画。我很高兴,得到了一些朋友的恭维。

Although the flowers are found mainly in the wild, they did their best to blossom in order to attract the bees in order for them to continue spreading the pollen and growing, knowing that they will wither as they age. Just like human life cycle, we were born, grow up and eventually die. While we are alive, we actively pursue what we deem fit for our material life. 

The lesson we can learn from these wild flowers, is to be able to live today and be grateful to our root.  As human being, we have a mind to understand that our root will wither, without them we will not be blossoming. Human life is unlike the wild flowers, we get to live with the root before they wither, it a blessing to be able to appreciate and treasure our roots, without them, we will not exist!

这花主要是在野外中找到,虽然知道它们会枯萎,它们还尽心尽力绽放以吸引蜜蜂,以便它们继续传播花粉,并让下一代 继续生长。就像人的生命周期,我们出生,长大,并最终死亡。尽管我们健在活着,我们积极追求的是什么,也就是我们视为适宜供我们的的生命的物质上的享受。



Sunday, August 25, 2013

Wallpaper for my mobile phone

Interestingly, I extracted some of my painting and created a personalised wallpaper for my iPhone, and they all look nicer than the paintings itself. What a motivation to better my painting as I moved on to like Chinese Ink Painting Here are some variations of the wallpapers.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Back to basic

Last night, after a business trip to Kuala Lumpur, reached home and having the urge to start painting at 10pm. While deciding what to draw, upon laying out the table, I decided to revise how to draw lotus and also to go back to basic and paint bamboo, one of the 4 gentlemen in Chinese Painting.

The mood was right, and here's what came out of last night painting.


Having accomplished these paintings, I felt that the time is well spent in the polishing on my brush skills, catching up an 'almost' lost passion of mine, that is to be able to paint!

Following that I had a good sleep knowing that I can now spend a little more time to catch up my passion to paint.



Thursday, August 15, 2013

Spontaneous painting of Meihua

Spontaneously 2 nights ago, I started to painting and the following painting came around. This seems to be one of my best art piece that I felt that it is pretty. I cropped it and now it is a wallpaper on my iPhone. A beautiful original piece of painting.

Indeed, a lighter mood and inspiration does affect the painting as it can reflect directly the liveliness and the brilliant within the painting. Maybe that is the reason why even renowned artist may not be able to re-produce their own art piece. 

Learning from this, maybe as a person, if we can all stay in a light mood, we can all interact and understand each other better. I still like to focusing aspect in all my paintings sessions.

Hope you do like this piece of art piece that I personally love!





Tuesday, August 13, 2013

To draw or not to draw?

Nowadays, I will constantly feel the urge to lay out my drawing table and start painting whenever I have the time at home, spending lesser time watching TV although still very essential that we have our meals together as a family. A family tradition that I had uphold and told my kids that whenever they are free, we are to have dinner together. Whether my son gets home early from school, daughters coming home at different timings from work. we will wait for my wife to whip up a sumptuous dinner and eat altogether with my parents,  so we can all spend quality time and to relate to each other our ongoing activities

Yes indeed, I do find myself allotting more time to practise my painting, along the way, researching the structures of the flowers that I will draw, some favourites such as Peony, Narcissus and Plum Blossom.

It is interesting to know that Plum Blossom starts to flower in cold-winter, typically around January until late February. There are numerous species and colours, include, white, pink and red. Interesting the leaves will only unfold when the petals start to fall, and follow with fruits (梅子). One may wonders if there are differences between Plum Blossom and Cherry Blossom (Sakura) as they look the same. based on what I can find from the website, there are fundamental differences:

  • Plum - petals more oval, flowers on short-stalked , with one or two at each bud.
  • Cherry - petals more rounded, mostly notched, flowers on longer-stalked, and several in a cluster from each bud.
The Plum Blossom trees can grow for a long time, ancient trees can be found throughout China. In my earlier blogs, I had already mentioned about the structures of Plum Blossom, and over the last weekend and yesterday, I managed to paint the following 3 pieces of paintings.


但我有一个家庭的传统,就是作为一个家庭在一起吃饭,依然非常重要的。 我很坚持并告诉我的孩子们,每当他们有空时,我们要一起吃晚饭。无论是我的儿子提早放学回家,女儿们在不同的时刻回家。我们会等待我的妻子煮了一顿丰盛的晚餐,和我的父母一起吃。同时可以共度美好时光,也能够参与和相互关联正在进行的活动。



  • 梅花 - 花瓣椭圆,花矮杆
  • 樱桃 - 花瓣更加圆润,大多缺口,花长杆

Monday, August 12, 2013

A rose that looks like a rose...

After a few more practises, I managed to get my paintings of roses to start looking like roses as follows:


Getting the hang of Chinese brush painting, I realised that during the painting process, I was able to focus on the single subject, attempting to do a nice painting. There are indeed some therapuetic benefits, definitely not allowing our monkey minds to drift.

I heard of friends saying that getting to love Chinese painting, it may enhance one's inner character and may become more patient too, hmmm, I shall look forward to be at peace with myself, and find more patience to get by with future artistic life.



Sunday, August 4, 2013

Drawing roses, a flower that is very much favoured in arts.



Roses are favoured in arts, appears in paintings , illustration and at time on architectural structures. Roses are pretty ornamental flowers, with many species offering almost every colours, pink, red, white, lilac, yellow and many others.

The painting when demonstrated by teacher, was very enchanting to see the colours and shades forming naturally into the paper fibre. When I tried drawing roses, nothing was close to what my teacher was able to produce. Here are some initial blunders.


None of them look like rose. Tried a few more time and many dispensed rice paper, at least some improvement as follows:


After  more practises, at least I can control the smirching of the colour to produce some shades and depths of colours, now only to get the shape and petals correctly.


One of the best rose painting after many practises as follows:

Well, getting one out of three roses pretty is definitely a good achievement!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

朝氣勃勃的牡丹 Engergetic Peony

As I continue to muster my skills to draw Peony, with the flower taking shape with the right depth of shades, I tried to vary the leaves imagining the gust of upward wind, signifying the morning energies that the flower is accumulating in the morning, or depicting a scene after a heavy rainfall, where you will see all the leaves droop downward as they were beaten by the continuous rain drop.


This painting reflects an energetic flower receiving the new day.


Imagine the fluttering of the leaves when a gust of wind blows with the flowers standing strong against the wind direction.


After a heavy downpour, the flowers still bloom as elegantly, with the new bud blossoming, while the leaves are seen to be recovering and lifting up to see the sunlight again.


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Drawing Plum Blossom 梅花




Learning how to draw Plum Blossoms is firstly to understand the structure of the plant, which essentially entails that the trunks are strong and sturdy like 'dragon', the branches or twigs are stiff and spike like metal rods, while the each flower has 5 petals, in grouping of front-facing, profile-facing, fully hidden or partially hidden. By highlighting each flower receptacle will enhance dimension of every flower, and the drawing of the stamen will clearly reflect the facing of the flower when one can properly master the strokes.

As I recap to illustrate how to draw, it is definitely easier said than doing it...Nonetheless, I managed to practise some in the following sequences with the first one being the earlier version. I am happy that I managed to squeezed in some improvement along the way. Enjoy!

Monday, July 29, 2013

水仙花淡雅如仙子飘逸 梅花霜前傲然玉之立  

 This was a very nice comment left on my facebook posting when I posted the painting of mine as above sometime back. Illustrating that Narcissus sway freely like a fairy, with the Plum blossom stoically standing strong.

Narcissus is a seasonal flower that bloom only in Spring. together with Plum Blossom (梅花),they are known to be the flowers ushering in the Spring season (迎春)。It usually symbolising the start of Chinese New Year.

To draw the details of Narcissus flowers,  patience and focus are needed to outline every single petal of the flower, buds, heart and the leaves outline, mainly stoically straight and upright reflecting the strength of the flower. 

I managed to complete these few paintings as above and among them, ended with a piece of 'masterpiece' that I like best, which I will call "Narcissus garden'

Narcissus Garden



Immediately I fell in love with these flowers and appreciate the gentle flow of the energies exuberating from within. The purity of the white flower, and to imagine the fragrant that it emits at full bloom. 

Drawing the Narcissus have been a great pleasure for me, hopefully, one can sense the focused, positive mood spent in the drawings of the above paintings.