Tuesday, September 24, 2013

An expression of Mid Autumn 中秋的感想

Mid Autumn festival had just passed by, and incidentally we had painting lesson on that festive day. Teacher Lin Luzai mentioned that chrysanthemum flowers actually blossom during mid autumn in sub-tropical countries such as China. It is therefore a flower representing autumn season.

Having a cup of tea in hand, looking up at the full moon during mid autumn, it is a season of reunion of families. The fragrance of the blossoming flower enhance the happy mood of mid autumn.



From these 2 paintings, I think I will need to practise my hand writing with brushes in order to compliment my painting.

Having the mood to paint chrysanthemum, I painted another painting 2 nights ago, this time I attempted to combine 2 beautiful flowers typically grown in the wild. I am happy that some of my friends gave me some thumbs up for the following painting.


前两晚有心情画菊花时,我试图描绘另一幅作品,当时,我试图结合两种美丽的花朵,通常生长在野外的菊花和野菊花, 完成了以下的画。我很高兴,得到了一些朋友的恭维。

Although the flowers are found mainly in the wild, they did their best to blossom in order to attract the bees in order for them to continue spreading the pollen and growing, knowing that they will wither as they age. Just like human life cycle, we were born, grow up and eventually die. While we are alive, we actively pursue what we deem fit for our material life. 

The lesson we can learn from these wild flowers, is to be able to live today and be grateful to our root.  As human being, we have a mind to understand that our root will wither, without them we will not be blossoming. Human life is unlike the wild flowers, we get to live with the root before they wither, it a blessing to be able to appreciate and treasure our roots, without them, we will not exist!

这花主要是在野外中找到,虽然知道它们会枯萎,它们还尽心尽力绽放以吸引蜜蜂,以便它们继续传播花粉,并让下一代 继续生长。就像人的生命周期,我们出生,长大,并最终死亡。尽管我们健在活着,我们积极追求的是什么,也就是我们视为适宜供我们的的生命的物质上的享受。



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