Monday, July 29, 2013

水仙花淡雅如仙子飘逸 梅花霜前傲然玉之立  

 This was a very nice comment left on my facebook posting when I posted the painting of mine as above sometime back. Illustrating that Narcissus sway freely like a fairy, with the Plum blossom stoically standing strong.

Narcissus is a seasonal flower that bloom only in Spring. together with Plum Blossom (梅花),they are known to be the flowers ushering in the Spring season (迎春)。It usually symbolising the start of Chinese New Year.

To draw the details of Narcissus flowers,  patience and focus are needed to outline every single petal of the flower, buds, heart and the leaves outline, mainly stoically straight and upright reflecting the strength of the flower. 

I managed to complete these few paintings as above and among them, ended with a piece of 'masterpiece' that I like best, which I will call "Narcissus garden'

Narcissus Garden



Immediately I fell in love with these flowers and appreciate the gentle flow of the energies exuberating from within. The purity of the white flower, and to imagine the fragrant that it emits at full bloom. 

Drawing the Narcissus have been a great pleasure for me, hopefully, one can sense the focused, positive mood spent in the drawings of the above paintings.

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