Sunday, August 25, 2013

Wallpaper for my mobile phone

Interestingly, I extracted some of my painting and created a personalised wallpaper for my iPhone, and they all look nicer than the paintings itself. What a motivation to better my painting as I moved on to like Chinese Ink Painting Here are some variations of the wallpapers.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Back to basic

Last night, after a business trip to Kuala Lumpur, reached home and having the urge to start painting at 10pm. While deciding what to draw, upon laying out the table, I decided to revise how to draw lotus and also to go back to basic and paint bamboo, one of the 4 gentlemen in Chinese Painting.

The mood was right, and here's what came out of last night painting.


Having accomplished these paintings, I felt that the time is well spent in the polishing on my brush skills, catching up an 'almost' lost passion of mine, that is to be able to paint!

Following that I had a good sleep knowing that I can now spend a little more time to catch up my passion to paint.



Thursday, August 15, 2013

Spontaneous painting of Meihua

Spontaneously 2 nights ago, I started to painting and the following painting came around. This seems to be one of my best art piece that I felt that it is pretty. I cropped it and now it is a wallpaper on my iPhone. A beautiful original piece of painting.

Indeed, a lighter mood and inspiration does affect the painting as it can reflect directly the liveliness and the brilliant within the painting. Maybe that is the reason why even renowned artist may not be able to re-produce their own art piece. 

Learning from this, maybe as a person, if we can all stay in a light mood, we can all interact and understand each other better. I still like to focusing aspect in all my paintings sessions.

Hope you do like this piece of art piece that I personally love!





Tuesday, August 13, 2013

To draw or not to draw?

Nowadays, I will constantly feel the urge to lay out my drawing table and start painting whenever I have the time at home, spending lesser time watching TV although still very essential that we have our meals together as a family. A family tradition that I had uphold and told my kids that whenever they are free, we are to have dinner together. Whether my son gets home early from school, daughters coming home at different timings from work. we will wait for my wife to whip up a sumptuous dinner and eat altogether with my parents,  so we can all spend quality time and to relate to each other our ongoing activities

Yes indeed, I do find myself allotting more time to practise my painting, along the way, researching the structures of the flowers that I will draw, some favourites such as Peony, Narcissus and Plum Blossom.

It is interesting to know that Plum Blossom starts to flower in cold-winter, typically around January until late February. There are numerous species and colours, include, white, pink and red. Interesting the leaves will only unfold when the petals start to fall, and follow with fruits (梅子). One may wonders if there are differences between Plum Blossom and Cherry Blossom (Sakura) as they look the same. based on what I can find from the website, there are fundamental differences:

  • Plum - petals more oval, flowers on short-stalked , with one or two at each bud.
  • Cherry - petals more rounded, mostly notched, flowers on longer-stalked, and several in a cluster from each bud.
The Plum Blossom trees can grow for a long time, ancient trees can be found throughout China. In my earlier blogs, I had already mentioned about the structures of Plum Blossom, and over the last weekend and yesterday, I managed to paint the following 3 pieces of paintings.


但我有一个家庭的传统,就是作为一个家庭在一起吃饭,依然非常重要的。 我很坚持并告诉我的孩子们,每当他们有空时,我们要一起吃晚饭。无论是我的儿子提早放学回家,女儿们在不同的时刻回家。我们会等待我的妻子煮了一顿丰盛的晚餐,和我的父母一起吃。同时可以共度美好时光,也能够参与和相互关联正在进行的活动。



  • 梅花 - 花瓣椭圆,花矮杆
  • 樱桃 - 花瓣更加圆润,大多缺口,花长杆

Monday, August 12, 2013

A rose that looks like a rose...

After a few more practises, I managed to get my paintings of roses to start looking like roses as follows:


Getting the hang of Chinese brush painting, I realised that during the painting process, I was able to focus on the single subject, attempting to do a nice painting. There are indeed some therapuetic benefits, definitely not allowing our monkey minds to drift.

I heard of friends saying that getting to love Chinese painting, it may enhance one's inner character and may become more patient too, hmmm, I shall look forward to be at peace with myself, and find more patience to get by with future artistic life.



Sunday, August 4, 2013

Drawing roses, a flower that is very much favoured in arts.



Roses are favoured in arts, appears in paintings , illustration and at time on architectural structures. Roses are pretty ornamental flowers, with many species offering almost every colours, pink, red, white, lilac, yellow and many others.

The painting when demonstrated by teacher, was very enchanting to see the colours and shades forming naturally into the paper fibre. When I tried drawing roses, nothing was close to what my teacher was able to produce. Here are some initial blunders.


None of them look like rose. Tried a few more time and many dispensed rice paper, at least some improvement as follows:


After  more practises, at least I can control the smirching of the colour to produce some shades and depths of colours, now only to get the shape and petals correctly.


One of the best rose painting after many practises as follows:

Well, getting one out of three roses pretty is definitely a good achievement!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

朝氣勃勃的牡丹 Engergetic Peony

As I continue to muster my skills to draw Peony, with the flower taking shape with the right depth of shades, I tried to vary the leaves imagining the gust of upward wind, signifying the morning energies that the flower is accumulating in the morning, or depicting a scene after a heavy rainfall, where you will see all the leaves droop downward as they were beaten by the continuous rain drop.


This painting reflects an energetic flower receiving the new day.


Imagine the fluttering of the leaves when a gust of wind blows with the flowers standing strong against the wind direction.


After a heavy downpour, the flowers still bloom as elegantly, with the new bud blossoming, while the leaves are seen to be recovering and lifting up to see the sunlight again.
