Thursday, July 25, 2013

An artistic journey

I had always think that I can draw or sketch when I was younger, but never had the opportunity to pursue it. Have been like most male adult  having to do what needs to be done as a head of family, to provide for the family, we have along the way missed these doing what we want to do.

Someone invited me to join in a Chinese Painting lesson at Poh Min Tse, and curiously joined in the fun. The teacher is Mr Lin Luzai who is a renowned artist based in Singapore.

In my earlier posting, I had mentioned that I was enchanted by his strokes whenever he demonstrated for us, he would use the same brush and mixture of colours, able to imprint onto the rice paper, the flowers, birds, dragonfly, chicks, butterfly, fishes and so on. It amazing to see the colour ink will subsequently produce shades and layers. 

Unlike pencil sketching, which I thought I am good at, there is no recovery if any strokes is wrongly placed!

After learning peony, we were taught how to draw grapes, a type of fruits that grows in clusters, colours varies from purple, black, dark blue, yellow, green and some are orange and pink, the challenges in drawing grapes using Chinese Ink will be every fruit is drawn with a single stroke to produce the continual flow of the ink thus producing the natural depth in the picture, what my teacher was able to do, was completing the painting of all  grapes with a single feed of water and ink.

Here are some of my 'catching up' of grapes paintings:

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